Maith sibh! Lots of craic… go raibh míle maith agaibh Rang a Sé☘️ more fun next week!

Click here to see what we did to celebrate World Book Day! We had so much fun!

Junior and Senior infants, like the rest of the school, were very excited to eat some pancakes today with their favourite toppings! What a lovely treat to have in school 😊
Caim NS kitchen was a hive of activity on Tuesday as pancake making was in full flow. Ingredients were whisked, beaten, cracked, cooked and flipped. The end result was a stack of tasty pancakes with dollops of toppings!!!

This year Caim NS are participating in the “Road to Beijing Challenge” organised by the Olympic Federation Ireland! Check out our progress!

We celebrated St. Brigid’s Day today in Caim N.S. St. Brigid’s Day marks the start of Spring. Some of the classes made St. Brigid’s Crosses and others watched a webinar about our Patron Saint.
Check out all our latest news and events from 4th and 5th Class!
We’ve been busy having fun with magnets, working on our positive well-being and getting creative for Grandparents’ Day!
Happy Grandparents’ Day to all our Grandparents!

We are delighted to announce that we will begin accepting applications for enrolment for the 2022/2023 school year on January 31st 2022. Applications can be downloaded from our ‘Info’ section or email caimnationalschool@gmail.com

Click on this link to see how the boys and girls of Caim NS were rewarded for following the Golden Rules: http://caimns.ie/gallery/hot-dog-treat-2021/