Each June the school hosts an Active Week where the children participate in a range of different activities.
We had a brilliant week for Active Week 2022. The sun was splitting the stones for most of our activities and we had so much fun in the sun!
We started Monday with our Annual Sports Day. Check out all our pictures here!
On Tuesday we did a “Wake Up and Shake Up” routine in our classrooms. In the afternoon past pupil Tom Cloney brought us for our Annual Walk in the Woods. See our latest ramble in our local environment here! In the afternoon we started our Games Blitz with 1st – 6th class and the children enjoyed Gaelic, Rounders, Basketball and Dodgeball in mixed teams.
On Wednesday we began our morning with Circuits on the basketball court. We spent the afternoon doing Maths trails and orienteering and then after break 1st – 6th continued with their blitz.
On Thursday we did 10@10 on the small soccer pitch with the whole school completing our activities together. We spent between the breaks playing Playground Games such as Tip the Can, Domes and Saucers and No Mans Land. After lunch we played Tag Rugby and competed in a Tug of War contest!
On Friday the weather turned so we stayed indoors for our activities. The morning began with Cosmic Yoga in the classrooms with the children choosing between 4 different themes. Between the breaks we completed a danceathon with all classes bopping away to their Friday feeling! At assembly certificates were presented to some of our winners! Well done everyone on a great week and a massive thank you to our Active Committee of 4th & 5th for all their help this week.