Welcome to Sacred Heart National School Caim

Caim N.S. is situated approximately 6 kilometres north of Enniscorthy in the picturesque parish of Ballindaggin. We are a vibrant school with strong Educational values and community links.
Currently, there is eight full time teaching staff, five mainstream class teachers and three special educational needs teachers. Our staff includes 2 S.N.As, a school secretary, cleaner and part time caretaker. Mrs Julie Slevin is the chairperson of our B.O.M. and Aine Doyle is our Principal.
Built in 1968, the school was extended in 1982 and more recently in 2008 when two state of the art classrooms and an adjoining glass corridor were constructed. A further extension was completed in 2017. The school boasts an ample outdoor play area including a basketball court, two full sized pitches and concrete areas decorated with playground games.
Each classroom is well equipped with laptops, interactive whiteboards and i pads, providing a high standard of I.C.T. facilities for pupils and teachers. The school is involved in many sporting activities including Rackard League and also participate in a local soccer blitz and regularly enjoy coaching from sports bodies such as the G.A.A., Leinster hockey and Leinster rugby. In keeping with school tradition, pupils partake in a number of quizzes and competitions during the year. Other ongoing activities include mobile library visits, ESB science blast and Junior achievement
We have an active Parent Association that supports the school in its delivery of an activity based, child centered curriculum. We endeavor to provide a positive, enriching environment and experience for each child. Our mission statement is to “Celebrate Our Differences and Recognise Our Strengths”.

History of the School
The original school, near the church, is now the community centre. It was built in 1904 and in 1968 the current school was opened. This is the third extension to Caim NS. The first extension in 1982 comprised of one mainstream classroom and the hall. The second extension in 2008 included two state of the art classrooms and connecting glass corridor. Approval for the current extension began in 2013. It included one mainstream classroom and one learning support room. Funding for a second support room was granted in December 2013 and disabled facilities were approved in April 2014.
In July 2016 the Department granted funding for fire safety works and finally in May 2017 the school was successful in its application for the Summer Works Scheme 2016 to replace the boiler and the heating system throughout the older section of the school.
The interior and exterior of the school was painted, a new play area was constructed and the re-location of the staff car park was completed in 2017. So, Caim N.S. has been transformed into a modern 21st century centre of learning where we abide by the school’s mission statement to celebrate our differences and recognise our strengths.