What a fantastic day we had last Thursday for our sports day! Find some pictures in our gallery here:
There was great excitement at assembly today when Ms. Doyle announced that for each day left in school, one pupil will pop a balloon to reveal a special treat for the whole school! Let’s hope the ‘No Homework’ balloon will be popped on Monday! Stay tuned to find out what’s in store for all the boys and girls in Caim N.S.!

On Friday 11th June, we held a fun day at the school. This consisted of lots of fun activities outside for every class. We even got to have chips for lunch which was a yummy treat! Have a look at our pictures to see some of the activities which we took part in!
3rd class really enjoyed their once-off taster session in cricket today. We even discovered that we have some fantastic pitchers in our class! Thanks to Peter and Herbie for a great session!
Fifth class have been super busy showing off there art skills. Gorgeous sea and lighthouse scenes and black and white half portraits. All great individuals picked for our portraits linking in with our latest History topics.
Junior and Senior Infants have started their new Aistear theme ‘At the Seaside’. We have great beach weather today in Caim as we work outside😎🌞
3rd class created these beautiful tigers emerging from jungle leaves. Using the elements of art and a lot of creativity, our tigers turned out fabulous! Try to spot them on our classroom windows!
We constructed scenes from the novel we have been reading. The children really enjoyed planning their scene, gathering their materials and working together/ independently to bring it to life as a diorama! Check them out!
This week 5th class were learning about surface tension (which is the layer of invisible skin on top of the water) this skin stops water overflowing. They predicted and investigated how many coins it would take to break the skin and make it overflow . It took 250 coins. The cloth experiment is when the surface tension acts like a skin on the cloth and ensures water doesn’t immediately spill out when you turn it over but the cloth has to be soaked in water first and tied on with an elastic band. Concentration faces are on here!