
Well done to 3rd class who recited a poem as Gaeilge today at our outdoor assembly. Maith sibh! Also well done to some 6th class members who read their recount writing for everyone. They did a fantastic job! Another well done goes to some members of 4th class for reading out their profiles as Gaeilge. It’s clear to see that we have already learned so much since coming back to school!

Senior infants took advantage of the glorious sunshine today and practised writing their numbers outside. They had lots of fun!

Junior infants have been busy sorting various objects into ‘sets’. Today, we organised the items into colour sets. Well done!

We are so happy to see everyone back in school for the new 21/22 school year. We hope everyone is settling in well into their new classes. A special welcome to our new Junior Infants here:

First and Second class had a wonderful time on Wednesday picking blackberries!

Happy holidays! There was great excitement today at our outdoor assembly as 5th class did an excellent rendition of the Cup Song. We finished of with a dance to some summery songs! We hope everyone has a wonderful summer.

Our countdown to the Summer Holidays continued today as our 5th balloon was popped! There was great cheers and happy faces as our treat was revealed to be…. ICE CREAM! Yum!

Today’s end of year treat was having our lunch outside! We loved sitting in the sun with our picnics 😊