Monthly Archives: March 2022
Check out the beautiful Spring flowers in bloom.

We are excited to welcome Dr Maureen Griffin, forensic psychologist to Caim NS on Wednesday, 23rd March 2022. Dr. Griffin will be giving a talk on internet and phone safety, cyber bulling and other issues surrounding social media. The talk will take place in Caim school at 7p.m. It is open to all parents/guardians of children in the school.
Earlier in the day Dr. Griffin will present talks to 3rd- 6th class and speak with all staff after school.
Bhí an craic againn. Bhíomar ag léamh le chéile, ag tarraingt, ag freagair ceisteanna ag an Tráth na gCeist, ag súgradh cluichí agus ag baint taitneamh as ár dteanga.
We had great fun. We were reading together, drawing, answering questions at the table quiz, playing games and enjoying using our language☘️.
Míle buíochas👏👏👏 Rang a Sé🙌🙌🙌
Junior Infants are ready for Lá Glas! We are excited for our ceolchoirm agus féasta later!

Maith sibh! Lots of craic… go raibh míle maith agaibh Rang a Sé☘️ more fun next week!

Click here to see what we did to celebrate World Book Day! We had so much fun!

Junior and Senior infants, like the rest of the school, were very excited to eat some pancakes today with their favourite toppings! What a lovely treat to have in school 😊
Caim NS kitchen was a hive of activity on Tuesday as pancake making was in full flow. Ingredients were whisked, beaten, cracked, cooked and flipped. The end result was a stack of tasty pancakes with dollops of toppings!!!