
In Caim NS we are working towards renewing our Active Flag this year!
Check out this week’s Active Homework here
We had a busy month in Infants. Click here to see what we’ve been up to!

Caim NS took part in National Fitness Day on Thursday 24th of June. Click here to see what we got up to! Pictured below are some of the 5th class girls practising for the long kick on National Fitness Day.
Great concentration here from Grace and Niamh practising for their long kick.

1st and 2nd class made the most of the sunshine on Tuesday and went outside hunting for blackberries. This is the season to harvest blackberries. They are a tasty and nutritious fruit and can be used to make delicious jam.

A very warm welcome back to all our pupils, staff and families of Caim NS. We are delighted to be reopen and look forward to a new school year.

Welcome to our new website which is under construction at the moment. Please come back regularly as new content will be added on an on going basis.