
Big thanks to Conor and Robyn’s Daddy, Cyril Delaney for the lovely handmade Christmas tree for our school. It’s a really lovely gift🎅

5th class have created projects on a wide range of topics! Check them out here! http://caimns.ie/classes/5th-class/5th-class-projects/

Check out our Active Homework for the week beginning 23rd November. Well done to all the classes on their partipation so far in our Active Break Challenge.

Caim NS were striving last year to receive our amber flag promoting Positive Mental Health. Our school worked super hard and took part in so many activities especially our fundraiser which was donated to Pieta house. Look at our gorgeous new flag! Well done Caim NS💖

Check out the Active Homework for this week.

This week the children are starting their Active Break Challenge. Every day each class will attempt to complete 3 Active Breaks and collect points for their class. Each class who reaches the target at the end of the week will earn a class reward!