
Junior and Senior infants absolutely loved seeing the new addition to our school this week. The excitement is definitely building for Christmas and for a visit from the man in red 🎅🏼

Some of our Senior infants reminding us that we need to start wrapping up warm as we enter the cold weather. Hats are our favourite!

This year in Caim NS, we decided to take part in the Team Hope Christmas Shoebox appeal. The Christmas shoeboxes will be sent to children in Eastern Europe and Africa who are affected by poverty. With our help, the children living in these areas will be sent a bit of Christmas spirit, as well as a Christmas gift for them to open. The children of Caim NS had a busy few weeks buying and gathering items to put into their shoeboxes. Each child should be so proud of themselves for creating a fantastic Christmas present for these children. We received a grand total of 81 shoeboxes!!! Thank you to all of the parents and children in Caim NS for taking part.

None of the children from Caim NS turned up for school today… instead these scary characters came in! We have a very spooky school today!

The boys and girls in 1st and 2nd class had great fun this week making slime! Check out their pictures below.

As part of Maths Week here in Caim NS, 6th class set up a variety of Maths stations for 3rd, 4th and 5th classes outside. We had great fun whilst still using our Maths brains.

Congratulations to Conor and Eve who were the lucky winners of our pumpkin raffle. Many thanks to Marion, Tom and James(Past pupils) for the generous donation of the pumpkins which they grew locally.