
1st and 2nd class were replaced with witches, warlocks, minions and zombies at the end of October this year as the children dressed up for Halloween. It was a fun end to a busy month. The children covered Autumn and Halloween in Aistear, spending their afternoons on nature hunts, digging in the sandpit, creating clay hedgehogs and then making witches potions, haunted houses and creating Halloween dress up fashion shows. In Maths we were working on days, months and calendars in 2nd class while both classes were concentrating on their procedural writing! We learned about India including the Taj Mahal and henna tattoos. As Gaeilge, bhíomar ag déanamh ar scoil agus Oiche Shamhna while in our PE we concentrated on outdoor and adventure with a few GAA sessions with Anais thrown in too. The children learned new techniques for drawing pumpkins, bats and spider webs too with lots of spooky art leaving our classroom before Halloween. Well done everyone!

The boys and girls had great fun during Maths Week this year. Each class enjoyed some online activities, brainteasers, maths trails, indoor & outdoor maths games, Caim NS Bingo and getting extra time with our hands-on maths resources. Well done to 5th class who organised our outdoor games and 6th class who took on our indoor games, all the children had great fun. Well done to all our winners for our Art and Estimation Competitions!

Happy Hallowe’en from the infant classroom🎃👻🧙 We had a really lovely week! Enjoy the break everyone.

Congratulations to the girls Rackard League team who won the ‘A’ final in a wet Bellefield on Thursday evening 24th October. The girls from Caim NS played a crucial part in the victory and were fully deserving of the win. Well done girls!

Best of luck to the Girls who are representing Caim NS in the Roinn A Rackard League Football Final. The match will take place in Bellefield at 5pm on Thursday 24th of October. Come on girls!!!!

4th and 5th class had a busy September this year with Mr Kavanagh. They have been working on their Stay Safe while also reading the novel Running Wild by Michael Morpurgo. As Gaeilge bhí siad ag foghlaim faoi Mé Féin and in their maths work they covered time! They were also busy with Mini 7s and Rackard league while covering the Games Strand in their PE. They have been learning about the counties of Ireland and also the history of St. Brendan. In music the class have started the tin-whistle this year and we look forward to more performances at assembly. Well done 4th and 5th!

A big THANK YOU to the Baile Dubh Tire Ladies who visited our school this morning! The ladies won the Stafford’s Bakeries ladies’ football Intermediate championship title for the first time in their short history in McCauley Park, Bellefield recently, defeating Kilmore. The team even featured 3 of our recent past pupils! We were delighted to welcome them to Caim NS and for them to show us both their district and county final cups! Well done!

Pictured are the panel with some of the Caim NS girls who are playing the Rackard League Final this week.

Another lovely week in our classroom! Maths Week ✅ Thanks to Ms. Murphy for organising a fun filled week! And thanks to Mr. Fitzpatrick’s and Mr. Kavanagh’s class for the fun maths stations they organised!

Congratulations to our 3 students who formed part of the Caim/Kitealy/Ballindaggin team who won the recent District Final against Marshalstown. The boys won by a commanding 25 points on the day. Well done!