Monthly Archives: October 2024

Congratulations to our 3 students who formed part of the Caim/Kitealy/Ballindaggin team who won the recent District Final against Marshalstown. The boys won by a commanding 25 points on the day. Well done!

Caim NS have registered as part of Maths Week 2024. The boys and girls are looking forward to Indoor and Outdoor Maths Games, Maths Trails, Estimation and Art Competitions and MONSTER BINGO this week.

As part of maths week children are invited, if they wish, to enter our Maths Art Competition. Juniors-2nd are asked to create an art piece based on 2D or 3D shapes. In 3rd – 6th the theme is “Symmetry”.  Entries to be brought into school by Friday 18th October. 

Instead of maths written homework each child has a worksheet of maths activities to complete at home. 

We hope to heighten children’s awareness of maths in daily life. It would be helpful if some parents could email class teachers briefly outlining how they use maths at home or in their work. This can then be shared and discussed in class!

Well done to our girls and boys Mini 7s Teams who competed recently in Gaelic Football. The girls unfortunately lost to Courtnacuddy but were successful in their game against Donard. The boys team also won and lost one of their group games but progressed to the next round on points difference. Well done boys and girls and best of luck to the boys in the next round!

6th Class had a busy month this September. They are settled into the routine of the extra jobs and responsibilities of the most senior class! Bhí siad ag déanamh Mé Féin as Gaeilge. In their maths work they have looked at time and place value. They are studying the novel “Holes” in their English while enjoying Games such as football and rounders as part of their PE. In geography they looked at the counties and rivers while also participating with Dabbledoo in their music and drama. They have also started the Stay Safe programme while many of the boys and girls have been representing the school in Rackard League and Mini 7s! Maith sibh Rang a Sé!

This year in Room 2 we have 1st and 2nd Class.

We had a very busy month in September. Our theme was Myself and My Family.

In Aistear we made rice krispie buns, played role play at the Birthday Party, participated in party games, made party hats and created birthday cakes. We used our Blue Bots also! We made birthday creations using our Lego and played in the sandpit too.

In PE we played basketball – learning the chest pass, bounce pass and rainbow shoot! In music we worked on making sounds and listened to the music of Stevie Wonder. We started our Stay Safe Programme and second class worked hard on learning their emergency contact number.

In Art we drew self portraits, worked on drawing facial features with Mr Potato Head, used 1/2 our faces to finish the picture and made crazy hair day posters.

As Gaeilge bhíomar ag déanamh “Mé Féin agus Mo Chlann.”

We have also started our readers and our joined writing! Well done 1st and 2nd Class!

Check out some more pictures of our work here!

Well done to all the boys and girls of Caim NS who took part in National Fitness Day 2024 at the end of September. We started our day with some circuits at 10@10 followed by some dance moves after break. The day continued with Walk a Mile with a Smile before Mr Kavanagh’s class treated us to some outdoor games. Well done everyone!

First and Second Class have been loving playing with lego on any of our wet breaks and also in Aistear where they made Birthday Party Creations! Check out some more of our fabulous Lego masterpieces on our class page here!

We have learned lots about Autumn over the last week. Looking forward to our “Autumn Trail”, Sand Station and “fork” painting this week!