Monthly Archives: September 2024

The infants saved their cartaí glasa and put them in the Pota Ranga so they bought a Pas Súgradh and went to the playground on Friday! We had a lovely day Friday for World Fitness Day. The infants won best class for their exercises! Thanks to Ms. Murphy, Mr. Kavanagh and his class for organising the activities/stations.

Learning through play is always fun! We learned about playdough this week, made a mess making our own playdough and we made some funny minions!
We played with the blue bots and made fabulous birthday cakes!

We made the most of the last of the sun. Picnic outside and we might have visited the playground a couple of times too😃
Our week of learning through play, included the sand box, some good old fashioned party games and making some fabulous birthday cards🎉🎂🥳

Playground antics😀

Junior Infants were putting their problem solving skills to good use making jigsaw puzzles.

Just some of the Lego creations this week! Lovely to see such great imaginations.