Each year we celebrate National Grandparents Day, in conjunction with Catholic schools week. All of the children and staff attend Mass in the morning where the choir sing a beautiful song all about Grandparents.
Afterwards, we invite all the Grandparents up to school for tea and some tasty treats, all home made by the boys and girls in 5th and 6th class. Yummy! Some of the children in 5th and 6th class sing songs, play music and do some wonderful dancing. It gives children the chance to say ‘Thank you’ to all the Grandparents for all they do for the children of Caim.
Grandparents Day 2024
On Wednesday 24th January we had a lovely morning celebrating our wonderful grandparents. We began with a beautiful mass in the church where we sang our hearts out! Then the grandparents came back to the school for some tea and treats! We loved showing them our classrooms and our work on display. Enjoy looking at some of the pictures taken on the day!