
4th class worked really hard to tidy up the flowerbeds beside our classroom. They did a fantastic job. We have some great gardeners! Ms. Doyle even”caught them being good” and gave them great praise for all their hard work at assembly. Well done 4th!🌼🌷⚘🌱  

5th class were outside today reading their class novel and trying out our new picnic benches in the yard!😎😎📚📖

This month during Aistear we have been learning all about springtime at The Garden Centre. We have been learning about different types of plants and flowers and what they need in order to grow! We used play-doh, construction materials, the role play area, art materials and sand to help us to learn the language and skills we need when working in the Garden Centre and our own gardens. We also took part in a Spring Nature Hunt around our school grounds where we observed changes in plants, trees and even animal life! We planted various seeds in the classroom including cress seeds, sweet pea and sunflowers! We will look forward to tracking the progress!! We learned all about how our environment is changing at the moment as we say goodbye to spring and hello to summer! The children created beautiful works of art and had lots of fun while doing so with their friends in school! 

The juniors and seniors were very busy learning about Easter. They created beautiful artwork including Easter Bunnies and Chick Cards. We had a big surprise when we went out to investigate signs of spring around our school, only to find some yummy eggs!! 

6th class received a lovely surprise this week when their 1/2 Zips arrived. The class went to great lengths to create their own design and put their own personal stamp on the tops. Thank you very much to our parents association who subsidised the purchase of the tops.