Aine Doyle

5th class have created projects on a wide range of topics! Check them out here!

Caim NS were striving last year to receive our amber flag promoting Positive Mental Health. Our school worked super hard and took part in so many activities especially our fundraiser which was donated to Pieta house. Look at our gorgeous new flag! Well done Caim NS💖

Fifth class created gorgeous art pieces this week using 3D effects. Look at the gorgeous colours!!

Halloween Art. Fifth class have been super busy preparing for Halloween

This gallery contains 3 photos.

Day 2! Maths trail examining car registration plates!! Concentration levels are high in 5th class(“,)

Maths week has begun in 5th class. Day 1 and the kids are straight into puzzles. Know one is going to steal their answers🙈🤣

Caim NS took part in National Fitness Day on Thursday 24th of June. Click here to see what we got up to! Pictured below are some of the 5th class girls practising for the long kick on National Fitness Day.

Great concentration here from Grace and Niamh practising for their long kick.