Aine Doyle
This week 5th class were learning about surface tension (which is the layer of invisible skin on top of the water) this skin stops water overflowing. They predicted and investigated how many coins it would take to break the skin and make it overflow . It took 250 coins. The cloth experiment is when the surface tension acts like a skin on the cloth and ensures water doesn’t immediately spill out when you turn it over but the cloth has to be soaked in water first and tied on with an elastic band. Concentration faces are on here!
During the month of May we have learned all about minibeasts in Junior and Senior infants! In Caim NS we are so lucky to have extensive, beautiful grounds where we have the opportunity to explore and search for minibeasts! We went on Minibeast Hunts to investigate what minibeasts we have in our playground and we found all sorts of lovely bugs!! We are also very lucky to have a new outdoor classroom space that the children can use at Aistear time. This fantastic space has facilitated our Role Play at the Bug Investigation Lab and The Bug Cafe. We used small world minibeasts in sand and compost to develop our knowledge and language on minibeasts. We used a variety of construction materials to design and build a Minibeast Hotel and a Minibeast Playground! We used playdoh to make various minibeasts and to prepare food for the Bug Cafe. We read many stories about minibeasts including The Bad Tempered Ladybird and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We did lovely artwork based on caterpillars, butterflies, minibeasts in the meadow and our very own minibeast rocks.We also completed a class kahoot where the children assessed their minibeast knowledge at the end of the month which was great fun!!
Our Junior and Senior Infants have learned all about minibeasts as part of our Aistear during the month of May! We read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and investigated the Lifecycle of a Butterfly 🦋 A big thank you to James and Sean who very kindly brought in their own Butterflies that they cared for over the past few weeks at home. It was so nice to have the chance to see the butterflies released into our school garden! The class really enjoyed the experience! 🦋️
5th class were super busy creating there fact files on Nelson Mandela this week.
Gorgeous prizes and happy faces at today’s raffle🎉congratulations to the winners 😃
The boys and girls from second class made their Sacrament of Reconciliation on Thursday 29th April in our school with Fr. Fegan followed by a small party afterwards, a great day was had by all!
As part of Aistear we have been learning about how seeds grow! A week after planting our seeds, we are very excited to see some seedlings!
4th class worked really hard to tidy up the flowerbeds beside our classroom. They did a fantastic job. We have some great gardeners! Ms. Doyle even”caught them being good” and gave them great praise for all their hard work at assembly. Well done 4th!🌼🌷⚘🌱
April showers may bring flowers!! A mixture of our two recent art lessons, lovely umbrellas themed art with a mixture of gorgeous 3-d flowers.