Aine Doyle

Junior and Senior infants have been very busy this month in Aistear. Their theme was ‘The Travel Agents’ Check out some pictures of everyone having great fun in the sunshine!

Over the past 6 weeks almost 40 boys and girls have been participating in Peil 4 All every Thursday morning from 8:00 – 9:00am. This is a fantastic initiative to get children moving and motivated. Thank you to the volunteers from Duffry Rovers GAA club for organising it.

Congratulations to the twelve boys and girls who received the sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 6th in Caim church. We were delighted to have Fr Fegan back to officiate the ceremony. Thanks to Mr Fitzpatrick for preparing the children for the sacrament and thank you to Ms Murphy and the pupils from our senior classes who provided the beautiful singing and music.

Nicole, one of our 6th class pupils took part in the Eason Spelling Bee in Wexford on Wednesday 19th April. She reached the third round of the final. Well done Nicole! Thanks to Robbie and Conor for going along to support her.

Our annual Easter raffle was held on Thursday, 30th March in school. Many thanks to everyone who supported it. Thank you to our Parents Association who organised the raffle.

The winners are listed below:

1st Prize- Barry O’ Connor. Seller – kaiden and Killian O’ Brien

2nd Prize – Ellen Fitzpatrick. Seller – Mr Fitzpatrick

3rd Prize – Andreas Petrovici. Seller – Andra Petrovici

4th Prize – Lorraine Barnes. Seller – Laura Gainfort

5th Prize Gavin Butler. Seller – Aideen, Gavin and Joe Butler

6th Prize Roy Hemmingway. Seller – Niall and Aoife Hemmingway

Congratulations to all the winners.

The boys and girls of 2nd class will receive the sacrament of reconciliation on Wednesday night, 29th March at 7pm in Caim church. They have been working hard and preparing well for this special occasion. We wish them all the best.

Thursday 16th March saw a sea of green in our school. We celebrated the end of Seachtain na Gaeilge and our patron saint, Saint Patrick. We held an assembly in the hall where each class had prepared a song, dance or poem ‘as Gaeilge’ and we had our ‘Seo Faisean’ Check out some of the pictures from our assembly.

Míle Buíochas to Ms Brady and 6th class who organised it all.

Tuesday, 21st of February we enjoyed tasty pancakes with an array of delicious toppings. Chocolate spread was the clear favourite though!

Thank you to Ms Murphy and Ms Brady for all their work in the kitchen to make sure everyone got a pancake.

 Caim National School Enrolment September 2023
Caim National School is now accepting applications for enrolment for September 2023.  Any parents wishing to enrol their child may collect an Application Form from Liz (Secretary) or the Junior Infant teacher during school hours.  Telephone 053 9255534.  Alternatively you can request a form by emailing or you can download a form from the school website Please return completed forms as soon as possible.