Aine Murphy

This week we celebrate Active Week in Caim NS. We had so much fun today with Sports Day and hope the fine weather and fun will continue for the rest of the week. Don’t forget to complete our Active Homework Pyramid and wear your PE gear all week!

4th – 6th class headed off to Clara Lara Adventure Park in Wicklow, on Wednesday 8th of June. While the weather was showery, the craic was mighty and the children made use of all the facilities. It’s fair to say that there wasn’t a slide, kayak or boat that Caim NS didn’t touch! We all enjoyed a burger/hotdog fresh off the barbeque and ate enough junk food to last the week! Well done everyone!

Well done to all the children and staff who completed their Walk Around Ireland Challenge last week. Together we walked over 2700km in 4 weeks!

Check out the details here

We celebrated St. Brigid’s Day today in Caim N.S. St. Brigid’s Day marks the start of Spring. Some of the classes made St. Brigid’s Crosses and others watched a webinar about our Patron Saint.