3rd and 4th class have started learning about and investigating light. Today we investigated materials that were opaque and transparent using torches!

As part of our learning about Australia, 3rd and 4th class worked in pairs to research an Australian animal. Together they created a poster to display what they have learned and presented this information to the class. Well done to everyone for making such a good effort.

In History this month we have been looking at chronology and changes over time. 3rd and 4th class made some timelines of their own lives to show their own history and how they have changed over time. They did a fantastic job, well done!

3rd class are busy revising everything they learned last year in Maths. Check out how this group used the izac9 cubes to show different ways to make 20 with single digits. Well done!

3rd and 4th class are busy learning all about Australia. As part of this we made some lovely koalas for art. You can see them outside our classroom on their trees!