Monthly Archives: November 2024
Well done to 6th class for all their hard work during October. They were busy with Rackard League and Mini 7s success but still found the time to help the other children with their Indoor Maths Games during Maths Week. They progressed with their Stay Safe Programme while also looking at the Plantations in History. In their Gaeilge bhí siad ag déanamh Oíche Shamhna agus Ar Scoil while also writing procedures in their English work. They studied storms and weather disaster, structures of the earth and also electricity, making the most of our Makey Makey STEM sets to concluded their learning. They also finished their study of the novel Holes with a screening of the film as a treat before Halloween Break. Well done boys and girls. Check out some of their Halloween artwork inspired by The Scream painted by Edvard Munch.

4th and 5th class worked reallly hard during October. They were a massive help to the whole school during Maths Week, organising our outdoor games. Bhí siad ag foghlaim faoi “Ar Scoil” agus “Oiche Shamhna” as Gaeilge. In their English work they wrote recipes for their procedural writing and also completed project work on various famous people including lots of women who made a difference in the world. They looked at time in their maths work while also studying about Europe, in particular Great Britain. Well done 5th Class! Check out their projects and they’re artwork inspired by James Rizzi below.

Parent – Teacher Meetings will take place on the 26th and 27th of November. Bookings can now be made on Aladdin Connect.
The children were delighted when members of the County Final Winning Duffry Rovers GAA Club came to visit on Tuesday 13th of November. Fresh from winning the Junior Hurling Championship Final against St. Pat’s, the men visited the school with their cup and the children gathered for a school assembly to celebrate. We had lots of banners and flags with the team kindly answering all our questions and signing autographs for the children. They team even visited the classes afterwards to give the children a treat of juice and crisps! We were delighted to see so many past pupils of Caim NS on the team and backroom staff. Well done Duffry Rovers and thank you for coming to see us!

This year the pupils and families of Caim NS donated a whopping 51 boxes to the Team Hope Christmas Shoebox appeal. The boxes were collected by our past pupils in transition year in FCJ Bunclody. Thank you to everyone for their generous support of this worthwhile and deserving cause.

Caim NS Parents’ Association will hold their annual AGM and open evening on Wednesday 6th November at 7.30pm. All parents/guardians of the school are invited to attend
1st and 2nd class were replaced with witches, warlocks, minions and zombies at the end of October this year as the children dressed up for Halloween. It was a fun end to a busy month. The children covered Autumn and Halloween in Aistear, spending their afternoons on nature hunts, digging in the sandpit, creating clay hedgehogs and then making witches potions, haunted houses and creating Halloween dress up fashion shows. In Maths we were working on days, months and calendars in 2nd class while both classes were concentrating on their procedural writing! We learned about India including the Taj Mahal and henna tattoos. As Gaeilge, bhíomar ag déanamh ar scoil agus Oiche Shamhna while in our PE we concentrated on outdoor and adventure with a few GAA sessions with Anais thrown in too. The children learned new techniques for drawing pumpkins, bats and spider webs too with lots of spooky art leaving our classroom before Halloween. Well done everyone!

The boys and girls had great fun during Maths Week this year. Each class enjoyed some online activities, brainteasers, maths trails, indoor & outdoor maths games, Caim NS Bingo and getting extra time with our hands-on maths resources. Well done to 5th class who organised our outdoor games and 6th class who took on our indoor games, all the children had great fun. Well done to all our winners for our Art and Estimation Competitions!